Statistics Analysis
Monitoring website traffic and analysing statistical
data is the most important part of any marketing and website
management campaign, and with Fish.Net’s comprehensive
statistics package it is made straightforward and effortless.
The system will give concise information on
visitor numbers per day, month, year, web pages
visited, how the visitor found your site and much
more: |
How many visitors have I had to my
site? |
What search engines are visitors using to get
to my site? |
What keywords do they use to find my site? |
How many visitors are returning? |
Which pages are most popular and how long are
they spending on them? |
What is the busiest time of day, of the week,
or month? |
These statistics are displayed in clearly formatted graphs
and pie charts to make this invaluable information as
accessible as possible.
Discuss your requirements with us
For more information or a demonstration please contact
us on 01457 819600, or by using our online contact
form. |